Anna Attlid: Glass House

The Image

Anna Attlid

Tranås, Sweden

Time / Date:
3:05 PM / November 17, 2013

The Technical

Camera Body: Nikon D600
Lens: Nikon 35mm f/1.8

Camera Settings:

Shutter Speed: 1/640s
Aperture: f/1.8
ISO: 500
Focal Length: 35mm

The Story


This shot is from an ordinary walk with my mom on a November day like many others.

We passed an abandoned green house and while walking around it, exploring the setting, I took this of her through the glass.

I work solely with natural lighting, and I dislike planning my shoots too much. I’d much rather capture candid moments with an honest and authentic feel to them. I think this is a good example of just that.

The Scene: 

It was a half-sunny, half-gloomy kind of Sunday, like many others here in Sweden during the darker months of the year. Whenever the sun did come out, it would almost bounce and dance around the glass walls of the green house, acting like a natural source of extra light. It was all about finding a position and an angle that took advantage of those situations. The green house ended up showing the surroundings in the reflections of the glass, without me having to actually capture an overview of the setting itself.


Since I’m usually on the move and I never really stay too long in one location, I like to travel light. If I can only bring one lens and still get the result I want, it’s a successful day. The Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 is a great little prime, with a very useful and versatile focal length. Despite it being a DX lens, I’ve actually enjoyed using it a lot more on a full frame body than I ever did on any of my DX’s. I love the combo of Nikon D600 + 35/1.8 for this type of candid.

Making the Shot:

I wanted to capture a semi-wide shot of the interesting lines of the green house, while getting my mom in it – and without it looking too busy.

The glass helped creating a very flattering light, almost giving the vibe of a double exposure without it actually being one. I like experimenting with foreground objects that are kept out of focus – in my opinion it gives a nice depth to the image to have all these different layers. I used the beams of the green house to achieve that here.

Editing & Processing:

Edited in Lightroom 4. I’ve really enjoyed using the VSCO Film presets lately (this is Fuji 800Z+, minus the added noise). I edit all my images in very different ways depending on what I think that specific shot needs, but overall I do like the VSCO look and feel. I’m also a strong believer that less is more – I’d rather do too little to an image than too much.

Looking Back:

Overall, I’m satisfied with the outcome of this image. There are a few overexposed areas on the left side that I would have liked to keep more detail in, but that’s about it. I try not to look at details too much, if I like the overall feel of the shot then I consider it a good one.


Personally, I try not to put myself under any kind of label, genre-wise, as I feel it only limits me and my work. I simply shoot what I am inspired by, and I recommend everyone to do the same. It’s when you’re inspired by what you’re shooting that you will be able to really capture the moments that matter. I’ve learned that you find beauty in the most unexpected of places and genuine of moments. I wish I would’ve learned that sooner.


I am inspired by the things I see around me, and by images I wish I would’ve taken myself. There are too many photographers out there who’s work I truly enjoy to mention them all.



About the Photographer

Anna Attlid, 20, full-time photographer and webdesigner. Born and raised in Sweden, but infatuated with the whole world. Half of my heart belongs in southern California.

Currently working on some equine photography projects, while planning and dreaming of upcoming travels.

Instagram: @aattlid

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